Waterstream Change Log ====================== 1.4.X ----- 1.4.27 ~~~~~~ - Fixed issue with the bridge clients 1.4.26 ~~~~~~ - Fixed issue with missing compression library 1.4.25 ~~~~~~ - Added parameters for Kafka truststore and keystore settings - Changed log messages for WebSockets upgrade errors to be more informative 1.4.24 ~~~~~~ - Recover after the Kafka topic re-creation without Waterstream restart 1.4.23 ~~~~~~ - WebSockets optimizations - If session consistency can't be ensured - then start from the latest state, not from the fresh 1.4.22 ~~~~~~ - Technical release to fix the aspect of the documentation 1.4.21 ~~~~~~ - Improving message validation in MQTT 5: don't drop the connection, just report the error. 1.4.19 ~~~~~~ - Messages validation. See :ref:`validate-messages` 1.4.18 ~~~~~~ - Fix QoS2 guarantees under heavy load 1.4.17 ~~~~~~ - Fix cross-node session loading issues 1.4.12 ~~~~~~ - Limit maximal lifetime of the JWT token 1.4.11 ~~~~~~ - Allow repeated rewinds of the same Kafka topic - Limit maximal rewind depth with ``REWIND_MAX_DEPTH_SECONDS`` parameters (default is 60 days) 1.4.10 ~~~~~~ - (Experimental) Start subscription from the specified timestamp in the past (a.k.a "rewind") 1.4.9 ~~~~~ - JWT authentication can use the certificate for validating the signature, no need to extract the public key now - Bugfix: correct unsubscribe when there's a lot of MQTT-Kafka topics mapping 1.4.8 ~~~~~ - Optimize historical messages reading - JWT improvement: `sub` claim pre-processing before converting to the username. Groups extraction. 1.4.7 ~~~~~ - Give JWT authentication higher priority over plaintext authentication to let them work together 1.4.6 ~~~~~ - SSL: do not request client certificate if client SSL authetication is disabled (workaround for Chrome WSS issue https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=329884) 1.4.4 ~~~~~~ - Kafka to MQTT topic mapping - added ``ignoreKafkaHeaders`` parameter. Now it's possible to ignore Kafka message header ``MqttTopic`` for the selected mappings. 1.4.1 ~~~~~~ - Metrics for total traffic sent/received to/from MQTT client - Metrics for total traffic produced/consumed into/from Kafka topics - More accurate check for the per-client packet size limit. Thanks to Stefano Da Roit (stefano.daroit@gmail.com) for reporting it. - Broker Keep Alive feature of MQTT v5 implementation (https://docs.oasis-open.org/mqtt/mqtt/v5.0/os/mqtt-v5.0-os.html#_Toc3901094). Thanks to Stefano Da Roit (stefano.daroit@gmail.com) for pointing it out. - Kafka producer's ``max.request.size`` changes to be sufficient for MQTT message size specified by ``MQTT_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE``. Thanks to Stefano Da Roit (stefano.daroit@gmail.com) for reporting. - Improve shared subscription pattern validation. Thanks to Stefano Da Roit (stefano.daroit@gmail.com) for reporting. 1.4.0 ~~~~~~ - New approach for mapping Kafka topic to MQTT topic. See :ref:`mqtt-to-kafka-mapping-rules` 1.3.X ----- 1.3.27 ~~~~~~ - JWT token additional claims allow to match custom placeholders in the MQTT topics. See :ref:`JWT custom claims` 1.3.26 ~~~~~~ - Small optimizations in Kafka communication - Support reading from the topics replicated across Kafka clusters with ``KAFKA_MESSAGES_TOPICS_REPLICA_PREFIXES`` and ``KAFKA_MESSAGES_TOPICS_REPLICA_SUFFIXES`` 1.3.25 ~~~~~~ - Improve stability in situations when many slow MQTT clients subscribed with QoS 0 and can't keep up with high incoming Kafka traffic - Update the libraries 1.3.24 ~~~~~~ - Support of ``KAFKA_MESSAGES_ALLOWED_TOPICS_REGEX`` which can limit Kafka topics in ``KAFKA_MESSAGES_TOPICS_PATTERNS``, thus allowing more flexible patterns. 1.3.22 ~~~~~~ - JWT authentication support 1.3.21 ~~~~~~ - Kafka message key customization support 1.3.18 ~~~~~~ - Kafka topic templates in Kafka-MQTT topic mapping which allows less verbose topic mapping. See :ref:`mqtt-to-kafka-topic-mapping` for the details 1.3.17 ~~~~~~ - Fix SSL client certificate issuer check errors 1.3.16 ~~~~~~ - AWS Metering Service integration 1.3.15 ~~~~~~ - Optimize SUBSCRIBE latency - Optimize historical messages processing 1.3.14 ~~~~~~ - Changed default Kafka publishing settings `linger.ms` and `batch.size` to optimize for throughput - Ability to specify `max.block.ms` and `buffer.memory` for Kafka producer - Customize HTTP port of the Devbox. Change default from 80 to 8080 - Docker repository name changed from `simplematter/waterstream-kafka-minified` to `simplematter/waterstream-kafka`, from `simplematter/waterstream-kafka-arm64v8-minified` to `simplematter/waterstream-kafka-arm64v8`, docker repositories became public (but still needing the license to run). 1.3.13 ~~~~~~ - Optimize the session load time 1.3.12 ~~~~~~ - Ability to specify `replication.factor` for Kafka Streams 1.3.11 ~~~~~~ - Docker images logs customization with `WATERSTREAM_LOGBACK_CONFIG` - Fix MQTT v 5.0 error code for invalid client ID 1.3.10 ~~~~~~ - Devbox Docker image which includes ZooKeeper, Kafka, Waterstream and MQTT Board - Safer base image for Docker images: `openjdk:16-oraclelinux8` 1.3.9 ~~~~~ - Optimize session state persistence 1.3.8 ~~~~~ - Bugfix: MQTT v 3.1.1 bridge topic subscription 1.3.7 ~~~~~ - Bugfix: if `AUTHENTICATION_METHOD_CLIENT_SSL_CERT_ENABLED` is `true` and `AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED` is `false` client SSL certificate is optional now - Add Prometheus metric `mqtt_proxy_publish_to_kafka_backlog` to track the lag between incoming MQTT messages and publishing to Kafka 1.3.5 ~~~~~ - Ability to specify inline license data in ``WATERSTREAM_LICENSE_DATA`` environment variable. 1.3.4 ~~~~~ - Default value for `KAFKA_STREAMS_APP_SERVER_HOST` is now taken from `InetAddress.getLocalHost().getCanonicalHostName()` instead of disabling streams app server if it's not specified. 1.3.3 ~~~~~ - MQTT v5 - shared subscriptions - MQTT v5 - subscription IDs 1.3.2 ~~~~~ - MQTT v5 - Last Will delay - MQTT v5 - topic aliases 1.3.1 ~~~~~ Bugfix: - Deduplicate retained messages if topic patterns in `SUBSCRIBE` packet match the topic multiple times - Resolve environment variables in the bridge config file - MQTT5: support multiple user properties with the same key 1.3.0 ~~~~~ - MQTT v5 core features support - see :ref:`mqtt5-supported-features`. 1.2.X ----- 1.2.1 ~~~~~ - MQTT-Kafka topic mapping by prefix. In particular, it simplifies reading ksqlDB results back into MQTT. See :ref:`mqtt-to-kafka-topic-mapping` for the details